HALIL A.K.A AssassiN
AssassiN is a 28 year old guy, currently living in Perak. MALAYSIA. School at King Edward IIV. He is an addicted Web Designer, Computer Enthusiast, Professional Blogger, Code Extractor and Certified Search Engine Optimizer (SEO)
He started blogging in August 2008 just after completing his GCE A Level and thereafter his life changed dramatically. He started taking interest in tweaking Blogger Templates by thoroughly reading articles online. His thirst for learning and understanding latest web technologies like HTML, CSS and JavaScript equipped him with an excellent art of web designing. He is now a web designer in all rights without having taken any professional training.
The purpose of publishing MBT BLOG was to provide high quality Blogger tutorials, widgets, templates and practical SEO tips. He publishes each post with a hope so that every blogger may be able to turn his free Blog template into a $300 worth professional template and may earn a healthy living online. The proof is the template that he is running at the moment. This is how DragonHacker template actually looked -> Old Edwardian
AssassiN's advise to new Bloggers:
When you intend to do something innovative in life, people will tell you that you can't do it but when you prove that you can, the same people would ask you: How you did it? So don't give up and keep blogging humbly.
Blogging requires a little hard work but a lot of patience. It lets you to communicate with a multicultural online world of 2 Billion people, each of them is eager to find out, what have you got to share. So respect this opportunity and work hard with sincerity. Give more value to Quality content, respect Copyrights and your Readers and hate Blogging for money alone. I am blogging since three years but still I feel like a newbie and this is what that keeps me pushing to do more.
Please remember to be thankful to GOD Almighty for gifting you with the ability to read and write. Everyone of you is a born genius, you just need to recognize your God gifted potentials. Wishing you all a happing Blogging career. Stay blessed and be happy always. Peace and blessings be upon you all.
HALIL a.k.a AssassiN
In this year of our victory
We are proud of the days of yore
King Edward VII School we hail thee
You’ll be greater than before
King Edward VII School we hail thee
You’ll be greater than before
The Tigers roar loud and full
Magni Nominis Umbra
The motto of our great school
Magni Nominis Umbra
Magni Nominis Umbra
King Edward’s will live forever
As long as the Taiping Hill stand
King Edward’s will shine forever
For the glory of this land
As long as the Taiping Hill stand
King Edward’s will shine forever
For the glory of this land
In this year of our victory
We are proud of the days of yore
King Edward VII School we hail thee
You’ll be greater than before
King Edward VII School we hail thee
You’ll be greater than before
The Tigers roar loud and full
Magni Nominis Umbra
The motto of our great school
Magni Nominis Umbra
Read more: DragonHackers Blogspot | Tutorial Blogger | Tutorial Internet | Tutorial Computer http://dragonhackthis.blogspot.com/ Under Creative Commons License: Attribution
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