Kuala Lumpur
Those born and bred in Kuala Lumpur, whether they admit it or not, feel a sense of pride in being KLites. We may secretly desire to live in a quaint French countryside town, or a posh penthouse In New York, but wherever we fantasies going to, or wherever in the world we reside, we beam inside at the mention of Kuala Lumpur.
Is the Surprising? Not quite. Malaysia may be known for many things such as its tropical forests, or its melting pot of cultures, but there is something specially unique about this city that never sleeps. Is it the brightly lit , mile crepe like shopping malls that cater to the poor and rich alike? Or the gastronomical delights, ranging from street-side burgers with crunchy onion rings to the white-truffle risotto at Shangri-La’s Lafite? Maybe it’s the lively busker in Jalan Bukit Bintang or the world-renowned international orchestra?
Perhaps, it is all of these and more. Kuala Lumpur is the ultimate kaleidoscope of past and present, life and rest, fun and chilling out.

When the agreement was signed to turn over Kuala Lumpur to federal rule, Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah, then the Sultan of Selangor had cried in an emotional expression of his fondness and pride for the city, and rightfully so. Despite its vexatious past, this muddy confluence” has flourished greatly. It had survived the Selangor CMI War British rule and Japanese Occupation, race riots, disease, fire and floods, Its perseverance was rewarded, when it gained independence from British rule in 1957.
On May 14, 1990, Kuala Lumpur celebrated 100 years of its local authority which earned its very own flag and anthem. In 1999, Kuala Lumpur ceased to be the national administrative center. However, It remains home to Parliament, City Hall and the Yang di-Pertuan Agong.
Today, Kuala Lumpur is a familiar name to those near and far, the fifth most visited city in the world. So, let’s take a minute to commemorate the birth of our meritorious metropolitan city.
The late 1980’s did not only highlight Cyndi Lauper’s colourful must or the Back to The Future series; it brought upon an era of technological explosion in the west. While many Asian nations were still emerging from political and economical turmoil, the visionary Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad (then 4th prime minister) did not let Malaysia fall behind. He had imagined a future-driven city to act as the federal administrative centre of Malaysia. Although Kuala Lumpur remains the natlonal capital (seat of Parliament), the seat of government was moved to Putrajaya In 1999 due to overcrowding In the former. Named after Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra,

For those of us working In Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya or Labuan, the 1st of February every year it a date to take a break from our cubicles. However it is more than any state public holiday. It marks the anniversary of the formation of a most beloved city.
Major events held in conjunction with FT Day:
1 February2o11
• Customary Conferment of Federal Territory Awards. Time: 8.00 am to 11.00 am
Venue: lstana Melawati, Putrajaya
• Federal Territory Royal Golf Event 2011
time: 7.00 am to 12 noon
Venue: KL Golf and Country aub, Jalan Bukit Kiara, KL
13 February 2011
• Federal Territory Day Explorace 2011
lime: 2.OOpm to 600pm
Venue: Dataran Merdeka
• Federal Territory Day Open Tug-of-War Competition 2011 lime: 8.00 am to 6.00 pm
Venue: Dataran Merdeka
11-13 February 2011
• WOW Putrajaya Carnival
Time: 7.3Oam to 12 midnight
Venue: Presiot 2, Putrajaya
Activities: Hot Balloon, ATM Tattoo, Fl Simulation WOW Putrajaya concert

The word Labuan comes from the Malay word meaning anchorage and the temtory is made up of Labuan Island and six other islands, all of which lie near the coast of Borneo. Much like its sibling, Labuan had experienced hardship- being under the rule of the Sultanate of Brunel, the British and the Japanese. Labuan was declared a federal territory in 1984 and 1990 became the Labuan International Business and Financial Cenui, Malaysia’s only offshore financial hub. It was created to impro the cont ribution of financial services to the Gross National Product of Malaysia and for development purposes. Apart from the picturesque sceneries, famous landmarks Include the military cemetery, the Royal Navy Coaling station’s chlmney’ and the underwater wrecks.
The Ministry of the Federal Territories and Urban Wellbeing
The Ministry of the Federal Territories and Urban Wellbeing oversees the administration and development of the territories. Currently, Datuk Raja Nong Chik Raja Zainal Abidin is the minister, Datuk M. Saravanan is the deputy minister and Datuk Ahmad Phesal Talib is the secretary-general.
The ministry was established in 1978, four years after Kuala Lumpur was declared a city. ft was re-established in 1987, four years after Lab uan came under federal rule.
In 2004, a cabinet reorganisation by Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi led to the ministry expanding its power to cover jurisdiction in the territories as well. In 2009, eradicating poverty became a mission of the ministry, thus officiating it as the Ministry of Federal Territories and Urban Wellbeing.
On May 26, 2006, a common flag was created for all three federal territories and in the SUKMA 2006 Games, all three constituents competed as a single contingent.
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