Friday 22 July 2011

4 Websites To Upload Photos to Twitter

Twitter is a highly popular web applications for you to share what you think, in 140 words (if you want to know Twitter, read this article). However, sometimes the word is not enough. What if you want to include a picture of Twitter?

There are many websites that provide image upload to Twitter as Twitpic,, TweetPhoto and twitgoo. It was easy because when you upload pictures to the website, a link to the image will automatically be sent a tweet. You can also find out how many pictures you have seen.

Here I will explain about the four of this website, so you can choose whichever is appropriate:



* Can send pictures using MMS.
* Comment Twitpic others will be sent as @ replies to you, while comments on the image itself will be treated as a new tweet.


* Can send pictures using MMS.
     * Generated URL is very short.
     * Can tag people (using the Twitter ID) in the picture
     * Has a retweet function.
     * Has the function to share on Facebook and Delicious.
     * Does not have any ads.
     * Design attractive web site (like Twitter).
     * When you want to comment on, you can choose whether the comments will be sent a tweet or not. But when you choose to see the comments sent a tweet, it will always be treated as a new tweet, and not @ reply



* Can send pictures using MMS.
     * Has a retweet function.
     * Having a good comment system. If you want to comment on TweetPhoto, you can choose whether to make it as a tweet, or an @ reply.


* I can not send pictures using MMS.
     * Has a retweet function.
     * Integration with other web sites such as Facebook, MySpace and Yahoo.
     * Does not have any ads.
     * Design attractive web site (like Twitter)
     * Having a good comment system. If you want to comment on twitgoo, you can choose whether to make it as a tweet, or an @ reply.

So, any website which is your choice?

For me, the best service is provided by It only had only one deficiency - if you want to comment on tweet, you can not set it as the @ reply. But that may only be a small thing, because most people will reply to keep using Twitter, and not on the website already.

Link produced by also very short (eg and this gives room for a longer tweet. Another important function is sending pictures via MMS. So you do not need mobile tools to live Tweeting, just use common GladlyCast to send tweet and tweet to send along a photo.


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