This introduces activities can also strengthen silaturahmi to another rope. if you do not know we met a new blogger, or just each other like a comment Posted "hello safely meet", "nice story, keep posting yes", and more ways to mutually .
But events like these often become less comfortable when visiting a blog of our ability go to men-disable right click. Activities which disable the right click is usually afraid of our content is taken without permission of the owner first. But right-click gives convenience brwosing seconds. How when we visit the blog who have something unique. For a new blogger like me, find the uniqueness in a blog would want to imitate to be installed also to our blog by view source code. Or just a habit to read the writings memblock way we will read.
whereas if the right-click-disable this in different or bland taste to visit the blog of a person. It feels like there is less, or as we eat vegetables but . * Name is not vegetable *. But men-disable right click is effective to prevent the activities copas without responsibility.
Copycat is usually done a manufacturer is not responsible for content on new manufacturing or blog. This is a case of old habits that sprouted up to now. Original activity writing a ranter said paste the difficulty making a slick script moved without permission and without providing any evidence. Annoying is when our work be taken without a farewell. Difficult it has become a habit Quote original Endonesa messy as beloved. hihii
But Ah, if we mutually self-conscious, where one has difficulty writing their ideas kedalah writing a blog and suddenly the smudgy transferred without permission. Let's remind each other to say excuse me, nyuwun Sewu, or ask one thousand. * Eh
So how can decrease about disable right click when berblogwalking fun or copycat act (cats like copy s)?
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