Saturday, 23 July 2011

Disable right-click to reduce convenience to surf

Blogwalking activities are activities that often do the bloggers to friends, read a new article or blog introduces us to other bloggers. These events also show whether we are active in introducing our writings or just passively waiting for visitors to come. Of course, if a content that we create can get on search engines, visitors will come [...]

Blogwalking activities are activities that often do the bloggers to friends, or introduce new articles to read our blog to other bloggers. These events also show whether we are active in introducing the writings of us or only passive menuggu visitors came. Of course, if a content we can biat nyantol on search engines, then pengujung will come and read. but if we just create a content that content was curhatan or about everyday life, without identifying our blog to others free of charge if not blogwalking.
This introduces activities can also strengthen silaturahmi to another rope. if you do not know we met a new blogger, or just each other like a comment Posted "
hello safely meet", "nice story, keep posting yes", and more ways to mutually .
But events like these often become less comfortable when visiting a blog of our ability go to men-disable right click. Activities which disable the right click is usually afraid of our content is taken without permission of the owner first. But right-click gives convenience brwosing seconds. How when we visit the blog who have something unique. For a new blogger like me, find the uniqueness in a blog would want to imitate to be installed also to our blog by view source code. Or just a habit to read the writings memblock way we will read.
whereas if the right-click-disable this in different or bland taste to visit the blog of a person. It feels like there is less, or as we eat vegetables but . * Name is not vegetable  *. But men-disable right click is effective to prevent the activities copas without responsibility.
Copycat is usually done a manufacturer is not responsible for content on new manufacturing or blog. This is a case of old habits that sprouted up to now. Original activity writing a ranter said paste the difficulty making a slick script moved without permission and without providing any evidence. Annoying is when our work be taken without a farewell. Difficult it has become a habit Quote original Endonesa messy as beloved. hihii
But Ah, if we mutually self-conscious, where one has difficulty writing their ideas kedalah writing a blog and suddenly the smudgy transferred without permission. Let's remind each other to say excuse me, nyuwun Sewu, or ask one thousand. * Eh
So how can decrease about disable right click when berblogwalking fun or copycat act (cats like copy s)?

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