Friday, 22 July 2011

Exploring your bookie with the help of Google, Twitter and Facebook

For someone who uses public transportation and has no smartphone, it is very important for me to make a little survey about the direction my place before I leave the house. Only 5 to 10 minutes the time required for the Internet to prepare for this, but it will save much time and money in your journey.

Before you leave home, make sure you know what you want to reach, and where you should go.

Recently, I want to make new glasses, but I do not know the place where good and cheap. So I ask questions on Twitter and Facebook. Social media is a very good tool to get recommendations.


You will be disappointed if you try to ask the same questions in the search engines, because they did not speak in human language. Instead, search engines useful when you are sure what information you're looking for. I use Google Maps to find the road to take to get to The Curve.


In preparation, I always post the address of the destination at the notebook you are carrying. For the convenience of a taxi driver, it is important to know the name of building your direction, or any shopping mall / housing nearby.

With the tools available like this, there is no reason for you not to go out and explore your city because it is very easy and inexpensive. If the two points that you know is your home and school / office, the time has come for you to leave home and try something new.

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