To obtain greater profits than ever before, the Youtube finally trying to attract sympathy for various media as partnernya, this time the Youtube working with Content ID which regulate the problem of rights and content management tool in which up to this collaboration to produce a new feature on Youtube namely Youtube Insight, and what advantage this feature?
This free feature will make it easier for users who have accounts on Youtube to see more details about the development of statistics of the video they have uploaded. With this data analysis would have created a user to know what videos they upload get great response from other users. Up to the end consumer who will decide whether to remove or actually leave the video intact.
In Youtube Insight is also provided statistical data, video rankings and other data analysis. For example, Youtube concluded that Sony Music will know that video JK Wedding Entrance Dance has become a very popular video together with music labels to stage 8 on Youtube via this new service. Hmmm, interesting ideas on Youtube so, but Will is to make consumers become more and more profitable than ever before? Hopefully.
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