Friday, 22 July 2011


After a long silence (BKN pe .. just busy with election issues this campus and others involved in the direct x @ busy themselves) ... this time the state moved the heart to post this software ... any problem at all thanks to good friend because postkan y sumthing useful to me and right now can be shared to friends who are interested in all in all


     * Complete reading the Quran by Sa'd Al-Ghamdi
     * It appears the writing Arabic and translation in 3 languages ​​other than Bahasa (there are also updates BM attached) version. (Picktal, Yusuf Ali and Shakir)
     * There are complimentary of Yusuf Ali in BI.
     * Malay translation nye at the enter once. just install JE.
     * Available modes, Range Mode (for reciting a set of Verses) and Verse Mode (for reciting verse by verse)
     * Recitation can diconfigured for any version that is in the data (Press Ctrl + R for recitation option).
     * Quick verse navigation: Press "S" content of various sura number and "V" for version number.
     * First completely free Quran software in Internet with full Quran Audio

to install:
since I can not I upload this software into my account .. so I had to tell me how I install it if there are several problems for software to operate properly ni (specially for windows vista OS windows7 n)

conntains 5 all of it and extract it with winrar(^_^)  


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